Tampa Bay Lightning captain Vincent Lecavalier(notes) is back on the ice in his recover from Aug. 24's arthroscopic knee surgery.
"It feels better every day," Lecavalier told the St. Petersburg nfl throwback jerseys
Times on Tuesday. "It's a little sore, but it's the best it's felt. I can do pretty much anything practicewise."
Lecavalier, 30, didn't take part in a pickup Minnesota Vikings jersey
game with teammates, instead working out by himself on the ice for 45 minutes and with the Lightning's trainer. He believes he will be ready for Sept. 17's opening of training camp. For now, he is dealing with swelling as he builds strength in his repaired left knee.
The knee problem began last February after an awkward hit in Dallas Cowboys jersey
a game against the Atlanta Thrashers. His discomfort eased with summer rest by returned when he resumed skating in July.