
nk this is apparent. Psalm 104:5 speaks of establishing the foundations of the earth. Establishing these foundations involved calling the earth into b

are referred to), they are always spoken of as “the flood,” “the water,” or “the waters of the flood,” never as “the deep.” This complete covering of the planet by “the deep” extended even to covering the mountains (6b), a poetic word picture emphasizing that the entire land surface of the world was covered by “the deep” at this point. This is entirely consistent with our observation that Psalm 104 is mirroring Genesis 1, and has nothing to do with the Flood.In Ps. 104:7 the Psalmist moves on to the next stage, mirroring Genesis 1:9–10—the exposing of the dry land. “At thy rebuke they fled” is a poetic way of restating Genesis 1:9, “Let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear.” God commands the primeval waters covering the planet to move so the dry earth can be exposed. To do so, He deepens a hollow on the surface of Planet Earth so the waters have a place to “gather” to. “The mountains rose; the valleys sank down” (8a) is thus best understood as a poetic way of expressing these geophysical changes, with no reference to the judging Flood of Genesis 6–8 intended. The use of the word “establish” in 8b hearkens back to Job 38, where the Lord was portrayed as a master builder doing planning, surveying and foundation-laying for the grand project of constructing the Earth.In addition, as seen in the various English translations above, there are solid contextual reasons to view the mention of mountains and valleys as parenthetical details to a primary emphasis in Psalm 104:6–9 on the moving of the primeval waters. The understanding that the antecedent of the clause in 104:8b, “unto the place which thou hast founded for them,” is not the valleys of 8a, but the fleeing waters of 7a. Verses 7a and 8b together constitute a completed thought—“at Your rebuke, the waters fled...to the place You established for them”—with 7b and 8a serving as minor clauses. Thus, the main focus if verses 6–9 is all about elaborating on Genesis 1:9.Finally, 104:9 has an even closer connection to Job. When the Psalmist wrote, “Thou didst set a boundary that they [the waters] may not pass over; that they may not return to cover the earth,” he parallels God’s words in Job 38:10:And I placed boundaries on it [“it” being the sea, referred to in verse 8],And I set a bolt and doors,And I said, “Thus far you shall come, but no farther;And here shall your proud waves stop.”Altogether, I think we can see that the primarily poetic nature of Psalm 104, its praise theme, plus the clear echoes of Genesis 1 and Job 38, points to Psalm 104 having no reference to the Flood, no mid-course change of context at verse 6. It is entirely a work of praise to God for His provision in Creation, including setting the bounds that kept the sea in its place. The mentions of mountains and valleys are poetic equivalents for the raising of the primordial continent out of the world sea as its waters were “gathered together” into the hollows He established for them.Proverbs 8:29, which speaks of the setting of the boundary of the sea, also sheds tremendous light on the meaning of Psalm 104:9, “Thou didst set a boundary that they may not pass over.” “They” in this verse must refer to the primeval waters of the Creation. The antecedent of “they” in 104:9 is found in 104:6, where the two parts of the verse are an example of Hebrew poetic parallelism. In 6a, the primeval sea is first called “the deep” that covered the earth; in 6b, the same primeval sea is called “the waters [which] were standing above the mountains.” Both parts of verse 6 are saying the same thing, just in different ways. It is because these boundaries are set on the primeval waters of the world sea, that “they may not return to cover the earth.” Verse 9b, although it easily brings to mind God’s promise to never again send a worldwide Flood, IN CONTEXT does not refer to the Flood, but only to the setting of bounds on the sea. So once again, applying the principles of systematic theology and allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture indicates that the poetic language of Psalm 104 is not to be understood as referring to the Flood.Tying it All TogetherIn this study we have observed that the passages in Job 38 and Proverbs 8, as in Jeremiah 5, all speak of “boundaries on the sea” in remarkably similar terms, strengthening the case that they all have the Creation in view. Let’s see all of these verses together:Job 38:10And I placed boundaries [choq] on it [antecedent yam, v. 8],And I set a bolt and doors,And I said, “Thus far you shall come, but no farther;And here shall your proud waves stop.”Prov. 8:29When He set for the sea [yam] its boundary [choq]So that the water would not transgress His command, When He marked out the foundations of the earth...Jeremiah 5:22For I have placed the sand as a boundary [g?buwl] for the sea [yam],

Amenhotep II and the Historicity of the Exodus Pharaoh
Tags: amenhotep, exodus, hatshepsut, moses, thutmosis, rameses, 1 kings 6, plagues, amarna, memphis stela, karnak stela, apiru, hazor--> I. INTRODUCTIONFew disciplines related to Biblical inerrancy are scrutinized more intensely than historicity. Accordingly, questioning the Bible’s historicity is nothing new to Biblical studies, as evidenced by Ladd’s remark, “It is the author’s hope that the reader may be helped to understand that the authority of the Word of God is not dependent upon infallible certainty in all matters of history and criticism.”1 A more extreme recent trend, popular in the study of ancient Israel’s storied past, is a revisionistic version of Biblical history.2 A prime example is seen in the words of Finkelstein, who speaks of “the rise of the true national state in Judah [in the eighth century BC]. . . . That national state produced a historical saga so powerful that it led Biblical historians and archaeologists alike to recreate its mythical past—from stones and potsherds.”3 Such attacks on the inerrancy of the Bible’s historicity necessitate a reasoned defense of its historical accuracy. As Lindsell writes, “When inerrancy is lost, it is palpably easy to drift into a mood in which the historicity of Scripture along with inerrancy is lost.”4 The danger of compromising the inerrancy of Biblical historicity became vivid to the present writer when he learned that a transfer student who entered the seminary where he teaches was taught in another theological institution that Biblical inerrancy does not even extend into the realm of history. Such a position is unacceptable, and it must be opposed rigorously. The present work examines the trustworthiness of Biblical history by using the Hebrew exodus from Egypt (hereinafter, simply “exodus”) as a test case. More specifically, an examination of the exodus-pharaoh’s life will reveal whether Biblical history can be harmonized and synchronized with Egyptian hilearn french

Before discussing the theme of primeval protohistory,

I should like to turn our attention to the other literary aspect, namely the structure of Genesis 1–11 as a whole.Literary Structure. Not only does comparative evidence point to the adequacy of treating both the Creation and the Flood together as a unified literary work, but the recent emphasis on the holistic approach8 to “the text in its final form”9 or “the text as it stands” (Oden 1981: 211) leads us to investigate the literary theme and structure of Genesis 1–11 as a whole. Before one seeks the theme of Genesis 1–11, one must decide its structure. For this, the toledot*-formula of Genesis is indicative of the narrative structure in the mind of the author/editor. Thompson’s recent study of the toledot-structure of Genesis is in this regard very important, though his view of a sharp break between Genesis 1–4 and Genesis 5ff. (“The Book of the Toledoth of Adam”) is rather overemphasized (1987: chap. 3). Thompson’s view was most recently challenged by Hess, who argued that “the literary form of Genesis 1–2 is intended to parallel the genealogical doublets of chaps. 4–5 and 10–11” (1990: 150, n. 23).The major problem in deciding the theme and structure of Genesis 1–11 is determining the precise terminus of the “primeval history.” The following suggestions have been made.Creation ­> Flood (1:1–9:29). In the light of the literary structure of “Creation-Rebellion-Flood” in the “Atra-Hasis Epic,” some scholars have suggested that the primeval history in Genesis stretches from the creation story through the end of the Flood story, namely Genesis 1–9, rather than Genesis 1–11.10 Since the end of chap. 9 follows up the description of Noah in 5:31 and completes the full description of him in the same manner that the other nine patriarchs are described in chap. 5, it is likely that the Flood story in chaps. 6–9 is meant to be a part of a larger literary unit that begins at 5:1, that is, “The Book of the Toledot of Adam.” The Flood story is, so to speak, a detailed description of Noah and his life inserted into the framework of the genealogy of Genesis 5.11Creation ­> Babel (1:1–11:9). J.M. Sasson recently explained the Tower of Babel story as “a clue to the redactional structuring” of Genesis 1–11. According to him, Genesis 1:1–11:9 is divided into two parts, “from Creation to Noah (10 generations)” and “from the Flood to Abram (10 generations)”; just as the Nephilim story (6:1–8) serves as a concluding remark for the first part, the Babel story (11:1–9) comes at the end of the second part (1994: 456). This division at the end of 6:8 accords with the Biblical toledot-structure; up to that verse the section is “The Book of the Toledot of Adam,” while the section after 6:9 is “The Toledot of Noah.” Coats also thinks that the primeval saga ends with the tale about the tower, since the tale “binds off the series of narratives about the people of the world” (1983: 36). For a different reason, Oden also considers the conclusion of the primeval history to be Genesis 11:1–9, where “human aspirations to divine status are so transparent” (1981: 211).However, the end of the second part, 11:9, does not accord with the end of “The Toledot of Noah” (9:29), though 6:8 does accord with the end of “The Toledot of Adam.” Also, in Sasson’s scheme, the reason for placing Abram in the tenth generation is not clearly demonstrated, since his structure lacks both the genealogical list (11:10–26) and the toledot of Terah (11:27ff.), which refer to Abram himself. Before these sections Abram’s name does not even appear.Creation ­> Terah (1:1–11:26).12 Some recognize the “Creation-list Flood-list” pattern in Genesis 1–11 and note that just as Noah is the tenth generation from Adam in the first list, the genealogy in Genesis 5:1–32, so Abram is the tenth generation from Noah in the second list (11:10–26). According to Malamat, the ante-and postdiluvian lines (i.e., of Adam and of Shem, respectively), symmetrically arranged to a ten-generation depth, are undoubtedly the product of intentional harmonization and in imitation of the concrete genealogical model (1994:188). Thus the ten-generation scheme of the ancient Near Eastern genealogies might be taken as a formulaic pattern for the Genesis account of the primeval history.Nevertheless, in the toledot of Shem, 11:10–26, there are only nine patriarchs listed with a full description, though Abram, the tenth one, is referred to as one of the Terah’s sons. Also, strictly speaking, the genealogy in Genesis 11:10–26 does not follow the same pattern as that in Genesis 5. In fact, in the second list there is no description of the death of the patriarchs, while all ten individuals of the first list have after the life span the final comment, “and he died” (cf. 9:29 for Noah) or “and he was not” (v. 24 for Enoch).Creation ­> Abram (1:1–11:32). The phrase and he died appears together with the life-span for the description of Terah in 11:32 for the first time since it appeared with Noah in 9:29. This might well suggest that 11:32 is the terminus of the primeval history. This position seems to be supported by Y.T. Radday’s analysis of Genesis based on the computerized statistics, according to which Genesis 5:1–32 and 11:10–32 stand out as “very distinct” within Genesis.13 Thompson notes that 11:27–32 is a genealogical entry that is expanded with an extended narrative and serves with 11:10–26 as a “link” between the tradition of Genesis 1:1–11:9 and the traditions about Abra(ha)m (Thompson 1987: 83).Creation ­> Abraham’s Call (1:1–12:3). According to von Rad, The story of the Tower of Babel ends without grace, and therefore ...the main question which the primeval history raises for the reader is that of the further relationship of God to the nations (1962:1.163). Therefore, the end of the Biblical primeval history is ... not the story of the Tower of Babel; it is the call of Abraham in Genesis. XII. 1–3: indeed, because of this welding of primeval history and saving history, the whole of Israel’s saving history is properly to be understood with reference to the unsolved problem of Jahweh’s relationship to the nations (1962: 164).14 Thus, von Rad set the terminus of the primeval history at Genesis 12:3 for theological reasons.However, from the literary point of view, Genesis 12:1–3 is better taken as a “link” between Genesis 1–11 and the following story of the patriarchs. This is what Parunak calls a “transitional technique” A/aB, which is used to link the Patriarchal story (B) with the primeval history (A), by recapitulating the universal relationship of God with the nations at the beginning (a) of the new section, in this case, 12:1ff. (B)(1983).Thus, Genesis 1–11 seems to have been written with the historical purpose of introducing Abram on the stage, and hence its narrative continues "from the stories of origins on down into later times, that is, to the present, the time when the narrative came into being."Hence Miller concludes: "The sense of a single story from the creation to the present may have existed in Mesopotamia as well as Israel" (1994:151).Kitchen, who believes that "each component in the population of early second millennium Mesopotamia (Sumerians, Babylonians, Western Semites) contributed its formulation of inherited traditions", namely a common literary heritage, concludes that "whenever it reached its present form within the entire book of Genesis, that unit Genesis 1–11 best finds its literary origins in the early second millennium BC" (1977: 35). Recommended Resources for Further StudyThe Myth of Natural Origins1996 Issues ofBible and Spade Genesis Record ReferencesAnderson,

Rosetta Stone Chinese

reads like a page-turning detective novel.I said in the title of this article, the "rediscovery" of the so-called tomb of Jesus' family

d from the dead, then His claim to be God manifest in human flesh would be true, and people should trust the Lord Jesus as their Savior and then follow Him as they seek to live by His principles and teachings. The Discovery of the Ossuaries In June of 1967, the city of Jerusalem was reunified after the Six Day War. Since then there has been extensive building activity in the suburbs surrounding Jerusalem. On occasion, building contractors would come across ancient burials of the First and Second Temple periods and other archaeological remains. The contractors had a decision to make: Do the burials and other archaeological remains get reported to the Department of Antiquities, or do they get blown up or plowed under? Unfortunately, many were not reported and were destroyed.In March of 1980, a bulldozer exposed part of a Second Temple burial cave on Dov Gruner Street in the neighborhood of East Talpiyot, south of the Old City of Jerusalem. Fortunately, this one was reported to the Department of Antiquities and a salvage excavation took place. A double-chambered loculi and arcosolia tomb was excavated by Yosef Gath (permit number 938), with the help of Amos Kloner and Eliot Braun. Shimon Gibson drew the architectural plans of the burial cave. This excavation was conducted from March 28 to April 14, 1980. The reason for the lengthy excavation was that there was over a meter of terra rosa soil in the tomb. This burial cave contained ten ossuaries, six of which had inscriptions bearing the names of individuals on them, and pottery from the Herodian period.An initial report of this important discovery was first published in Hebrew by Yosef Gath in the Israel Antiquities Authority’s (IAA) periodical, Hadashot Arkheologiyot (1981: 24-25), so it was not readily available to the English-speaking world. The ossuaries were not published in English until a catalogue of ossuaries in the collection of the State of Israel was released in 1994 (Rahmani 1994a: 222-224). In this catalogue, the nine ossuaries are numbered 701 to 709; the 10th ossuary, a plain broken one, was not published (1994a: 222b). The burial cave was finally published in English by Amos Kloner, one of the excavators of the cave, in the IAA publication ‘Atiqot 29 (1996) 15-22. Kloner also documented the tomb in his archaeological survey of the southern sector of Jerusalem (2000: 84*, 136; designated [106] 76.2-8/3). In a reworking and updating of his 1980 doctoral dissertation from Hebrew University, Kloner again published the Talpiyot tomb in a book entitled The Necropolis of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period, this time in Hebrew (Kloner and Boaz 2003: 207, 208).Ossuaries and Secondary BurialsDuring the Second Temple period, Jewish burials included stone objects called ossuaries. These limestone boxes contained the bones of a deceased person after the rite of secondary burial was completed, about a year after the death of the individual (Rahmani 1994b: 191-205). In the newspaper articles and blogs concerning the Talpiyot tomb, sometimes the ossuaries are called coffins, chests, caskets, etc. This article will refer to them by their technical name, ossuaries.It would be helpful if the Jewish burial practices were described in order to put this discussion into proper perspective. When a Jewish person died during the 1st century AD, they were usually buried in a rock-hewn tomb or a trench in the ground before sundown, or at least within 24 hours of death. The only exception was the Sabbath: in this case, burial took place after sundown.The dead body would be left to decompose. The family would have a seven-day period of mourning called shiva. The initial mourning period was followed by a less intense period of mourning for thirty days called shloshim. However, the entire mourning period was not over until the body had decomposed, usually about a year later. The Jerusalem Talmud states: “When the flesh had wasted away, the bones were collected and placed in chests (ossuaries). On that day (the son) mourned, but the following day he was glad, because his forebears rested from judgment (Moed Qatan 1:5).

In Tractate Semahot (“Mourning”) it states
Rabbi Eleazer bar Zadok said: ‘Thus spoke father at the time of his death: “My son, bury me at first in a fosse. In the course of time, collect my bones and put them in an ossuary; but do not gather them with your own hands”’” (12:9; Zlotnick 1966:82). This practice of gathering the bones and placing them in ossuaries was called ossilegium (Rahmani 1994b: 53-55).The Ossuaries of the East Talpiyot TombTen ossuaries were found in the Talpiyot tomb, six of which had inscriptions. Let us examine the six inscriptions. The first ossuary was given the registration number IAA 80-500 by the Department of Antiquities. Rahmani listed it as 701 in his catalogue of ossuaries in the State of Israel collection (1994a: 222b, 223a). This ossuary was decorated and had an inscription in Greek with the name “Mariamene, who is (also called) Mara” on it (Rahmani 1994a: 222b). Kloner points out: “The name Mariamene [is] a variant of the name…(Miriam, Maryam) and…(Marya). [This English Rosetta Stone


10 Mar 11 Enrolled Agent Training Uncovers Situations Where IRS May Reduce Interest

Enrolled Agent Training Uncovers Situations Where IRS May Reduce InterestBy: Sawyer Adams .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet In addition to penalties, a taxpayer may owe interest on an unpaid tax debt. Interest accrues until the taxpayer pays the tax debt in full. There are several circumstances where the IRS will reduce or even eliminate the interest owed. Of course, it will depend on the circumstances of the case.Seeking relief from improperly assessed interestA taxpayer may seek relief if the IRS assesses interest for periods during which interest should have been suspended because the IRS did not mail a notice in a timely manner. If the taxpayer believes that the IRS assessed interest with respect to a period during which interest should have been suspended, submit Form 843, writing "Section 6404(g) Notification" at the top of the form, with the IRS Service Center where the return was filed. The IRS will review the Form 843 and notify the taxpayer whether or not interest will be abated. If the IRS does not abate interest, the taxpayer may pay the disputed interest assessment and file a claim for refund. If that claim is denied or not acted upon within 6 months from the date filed, the taxpayer may file a suit for a refund in United States District Court or in the United States Court of Federal Claims.Abatement of interestThe IRS may abate (reduce) the amount of interest owed if the interest is due to an unreasonable error or delay by an IRS officer or employee in performing a:Ministerial act - This is a procedural or mechanical act, not involving the exercise of judgment or discretion, during the processing of a case after all prerequisites (for example, conferences and review by supervisors) have taken place. A decision concerning the proper application of federal tax law (or other federal or state law) is not a ministerial act.Managerial act - This is an administrative act during the processing of a case that involves the loss of records or the exercise of judgment or discretion concerning the management of personnel. A decision concerning the proper application of law is not a managerial act.Only the amount of interest on ine, estate, gift, generation skipping, and certain excise taxes may be reduced. The amount of interest will not be reduced if the taxpayer or anyone related to the taxpayer contributed significantly to the error or delay. The interest is reduced only if the error or delay happened after the IRS contacted the taxpayer in writing about the deficiency or payment on which the interest is based. An audit notification letter is such a contact. Use Form 843 to claim a refund or request an abatement of certain taxes, interest, penalties, and additions to tax.Reasonable CauseUnder certain situations, a taxpayer may appeal penalties assessed against him by the IRS for non-pliance with the tax laws. These involve the use of the reasonable cause criteria. Reasonable cause involves situations that are beyond one's control after exercising normal care and prudence. Most of the time, they involve death, serious illness, unavoidable absences, absence of needed records, and reliance on written advice from the IRS or tax professional. Death - This is the death (usually sudden) of a spouse, children, parents, grandparents or siblings, this may include the tax preparer (or a member of the immediate family) or any individual on whom the taxpayer relies for data needed to prepare the return.Serious Illness - Major and (usually) unexpected illness of the individuals listed directly above. This rarely applies to sources of return information.Unavoidable Absences - This is related to absences of the taxpayer (or spouse), very rarely to the taxpayer's preparer, and never to sources of information. Situations include items such as incarceration, natural disasters, military deployment, and emergency hospitalization.Inability to Obtain Needed Records - The provider of information crucial to the preparation of the return did not provide it by the date required by law, and the taxpayer has sufficient records to support unsuccessful attempts to secure the information in order to file in a timely manner. The taxpayer must also have attempted to obtain the records from any alternative sources without success; for example, if the taxpayer did not receive a W-2, he could prepare a substitute W-2 from the year-end pay stub.Reliance on advice - If the actions taken as a direct result of, and in pliance with, written instruction from the IRS (or the oral or written advice of a tax professional) leads to the late filing andor late payment of taxes, there are grounds for relief from the resulting penalties.If the prospect of municating with the IRS on your own behalf does not sound pleasant, you can enlist the help of a tax professional such an Enrolled Agent, CPA, or Tax Attorney. Which one is right for you? That depends on your individual circumstances. Any of the aforementioned professionals are able to represent you before the IRS. Both the CPA exam and bar exam are longer and more difficult that the IRS Enrolled Agent Exam. This however, does not make CPAs or Attorneys more qualified than Enrolled Agents when representing taxpayers. An enrolled agent is a specialist in taxation and representing taxpayers before the IRS. Because of this specialization, it is not unmon for CPAs or Attorneys to also bee enrolled agent practitioners. To bee an enrolled agent, the professional must pass the three-part EA exam, also know as the IRS Special Enrollment Exam.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryFast Forward Academy is a leading publisher of education for those looking to bee enrolled agent practitioners. Their prehensive suite of study tools for the EA exam includes a workbook, online SEE exams, and free access to their online question bank. Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Sawyer AdamsRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe History Of Enrolled Agents- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!


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24 Jan 11 College Football Pick Washington State at UCLA 10-2-10

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesWashington State Cougars at UCLA Bruins (-27)Saturday October 2, 2010 3:30 PM ESTUCLA after an 0-2 start has bounced back with 2 straight wins over ranked opponents. On the other hand, Washington State is 1-3. The Cougars last week got smoked by the 20th ranked USC Trojans.UCLA shocked just about everyone with a victory at Texas. A big part of that has been their 20th ranked rushing offense lead by Sophomore RB Jonathan Franklin who has 409 yards with 4 TDs. The big question for the Bruins is whether or not QB Kevin Prince will play in this game. Prince has said the knee feels great but there is room for worry. The defense for the Bruins has really stood out only allowing 25 total points in the last two weeks vs ranked opponents. Nothing has went right for Baltimore Ravens jersey
the Cougars and they are ranked outside the top 100 in points for (19.3) and points against (43) a game. The one bright spot has been Sophomore QB Jeff Tuel who has thrown for 922 yards with 6 TDs and 4 Ints.With football picks, you always have to go with the hot team. Right now I wouldndoubt that UCLA is the hottest team in the country. They have been amazing and they should have a great reception back at home vs a Pac-10 opponent. Even without Prince, this game is going to be a blowout. The only question is by how many points. With the direction of both teams being opposite, Id give up 27 points for the Bruins.Free College Football Pick: UCLA (-27) This article is also featured onSports Picks


22 Jan 11 College Football: Lindsey's 10 Most Important Week 4 Games

Kellen Moore Seeks to Impress with Big Win over Oregon StateGeoff Burke/Getty ImagesWeek 4 may be the best week so far in the college football season, as four games feature two teams ranked within the top 25 playing each other. There will be no shortage of good games to watch this weekend.Three weeks intoReebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
the season, with apologies to several fans across the country, there are two teams that are clearly leading the packOhio State and Alabama. Boise State, TCU, Oregon, and Nebraska are knocking on the door.Of course, there will be several upsets between now and the end of the season. Arkansas hopes to be a part of the upset season with one of its own this week.On the season, we are 19-6. Hopefully, we wonfall prey to upsets this week.No. 19 Miami (1-1) at Pittsburgh (1-1)Miami head coach Randy Shannon closed the doors to the locker room after the Canes' 36-24 loss to Ohio State to let his boys know that they blew a golden opportunity.Ive never been a guy that just goes off, Shannon said. But they needed it at that time because I was frustrated.Pittsburgh has had its share of frustration with players arrested for alcohol-related incidents, losing to DE star Greg Romeus for at least six weeks to injury and seeing Dion Lewis struggle running the ball with 105 yards and 32 carriers.Prediction: The Canes should have enough speed on defense to make the Panthers one-dimensional. Miami 28-21.UCLA (1-2) at No. 7 Texas (3-0)UCLA is a difficult team to figure out. Against Stanford two weeks ago, the Bruins had only 233 yards of offense and suffered a humiliating 35-0 loss. This past week, UCLA rebounded with a convincing 31-13 win over No. 23 Houston.Texas has struggled on the offensive end putting up points, but they know that they are a defensive team that is tough to run against. The Texas run defense in the first three games of the season has given up only 128 rushing yards. Texas Tech had negative 14 rushing yards against the Longhorns.Prediction: More questions than answers for coach Rick Neuheisel as the Longhorns win decisively, 35-10.No. 1 Alabama (3-0) at No. 10 Arkansas (3-0)This is the marquee game of the week as the Razorbacks seek to stake their claim for the BCS National Championship. Arkansas QB Ryan Mallett looked impressive in leading the Hogs in a 31-24 win over Georgia as he threw for 380 yards and three touchdowns.Arkansas caught a break facing Georgia without star receiver A.J. Green. This week the Hogs will not be as lucky as the Crimson Tide now appears to be at full strength with DT Marcell Dareus and Heisman Trophy Winner and RB Mark Ingram back in the lineup.Prediction: Alabama wins 31-20.Temple (3-0) at No. 23 Penn State (3-0)The Owls are 3-0 for the first time since 1979 and are coming off a solid 30-16 win over Connecticut. Could Temple double the number of bowl appearances in school history by going to its second consecutive bowl game this year?Penn State rebounded nicely after its first loss of the season with a 24-0 win over Kent State, but all is not smiles in Happy Valley. The biggest question mark for the Nittany Lions is their running game. Senior Evan Royster has now gone over 3,000 yards in his career, but he has yet to rush for more than 40 yards in a game this season.Prediction: Penn State should beat Temple 31-13, but expect a few anxious moments for Paterno.Kentucky (3-0) at No. 9 Florida (3-0)Former Wildcat assistant coach and wide receiver Joker Phillips was named Kentucky's head coach on January 6, 2010. Phillips is therefore well aware of how Kentucky has struggled against Florida. In the last two meetings between the teams, Florida has outscored Kentucky 104-12. Phillips is also aware of how the fortunes of the Wildcats have changed, as Kentucky has gone to four straight bowl games, a school record, and will likely go to another bowl game this year.PredictionL Kentucky is a two-touchdown underdog, but something doesnseem quite right with Florida. Wildcats in a shocking upset over the Gators, 31-30.No. 8 Oklahoma (3-0) at Cincinnati (1-2)Oklahoma is aReebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
team that appears to get up for the big game and then play to the level of its competition when the spotlight is not on. The Sooners drilled No. 17 Florida State by 30 points but just got by Utah State and Air Force by a combined 10 points. The question in this game is whether the Sooners in their first road game will crack the whip and win going away, or will the Bearcats hang around to the very end becomes Oklahoma has lapses of disinterest.Does Coach Spurrier Have One More SEC Title Run in him?Mike Zarrilli/Getty ImagesPrediction: Coach Stoops should have everybodyattention after the close call against Air Force. Oklahoma 41-17 over Cincinnati.No. 12 South Carolina (3-0) v. No. 17 Auburn (3-0)South Carolina Head Coach Steve Spurrier was not happy with his teamperformance as they needed an 80-yard interception touchdown with 6:38 in the fourth quarter to settle the game against Furman 38-19. We were a little careless at times, Spurrier said. But maybe it was just one game. Maybe we can get in a game with Auburn and play as smart as we can.Auburn beat Mississippi State 17-14 two weeks ago, survived against Clemson 27-24 in overtime last week, and they appear to be headed for their third straight knockdown, drag out fight this week.Prediction: Auburn becomes the cardiac kids of the 2010 football season in beating South Carolina 28-27.No. 24 Oregon State (1-1) at No. 3 Boise State (2-0)The Beavers struggled in defeating Louisville 35-28 and needed an interception by James Dockery to seal the deal. The Cardinals racked up 453 yards of total offense against Oregon State. If the Beavers are going to upset the Broncos, they will have to play better defense.West Virginia Needs Noel Devine to Come Up Big Against LSUJed Jacobsohn/Getty ImagesTCU passing Boise State in the final BCS poll is a distinct possibility because of their schedules, so it will be interesting to see how aggressively Boise State plays against Oregon State.Prediction: Boise State needs a big win to recapture some first place votes it has lost the past two weeks, Broncos 35-13 over the Beavers to keep their BCS Championship hopes alive.No. 22 West Virginia at No. 15 LSUWest Virginia, the standard bearer for the Big East, will have its hands full against the Tigers in Baton Rouge. Fortunately, Reebok New York Giants #27 Brandon Jacobs Realtree camo Jersey
the Mountaineers appear to have a truly balanced offensive attack with Noel Devine running the ball and Geno Smith throwing the ball. LSUoffense has struggled to sustain long drives. The Tigers defense, however, has been stout in creating turnovers and winning the battle of field position to give their offense a short field to work with to get into scoring position.Prediction: The Mountaineers will have trouble picking up the blitz in a low scoring game as LSU wins 21-13.No. 5 Oregon at Arizona StateThe Ducks are putting up ridiculous numbers on the season as they averaging 63 points a game while allowing less than five points to be scored against them. Oregon is averaging more than 380 yards rushing the ball a game.The Sun Devils almost pulled off an impressive road upset last week against No. 11 Wisconsin, ultimately falling 20-19. Quarterback Steven Threet has done a good job mixing things up and the running game has become balanced ensuring that Arizona State has a much better season than 2009.Prediction: The Sun Devils will keep it close until halftime, but Oregon will then pull away in the second half 35-17.


18 Jan 11 Nebraska Football: Heading For Greatness in 2010? Hold That Thought.

Otto Greule Jr/Getty ImagesMake no doubt about it, the first three games of this still young 2010 football season has been nothing short of exciting and foreboding for Husker fans around the country.With the Husker defense showing signs of life in creating more turnovers on the defensive side of the ball, it has been the Husker offense that has been all the rage in Lincoln thus far.With that said, Husker fans need to keep a little even-keeled temperance in what they have witnessed up to date for the 2010 football season.A simple grading scale will bring to light the pluses andCleveland Browns jersey
minuses of this year's Huskers compared to 2009:OFFENSE:QB:Without any doubt, this has easily been the position that has been upgraded the most in 2010 when making a comparison to 2009. Not to take a jab at Zac Lee, but the sheer explosiveness and play-making abilities of Taylor Martinez has been the story of the Huskers this season.Watching the Zone Read being ran by last year's offense was...well, offensive. No spark, no flash, and definitely no ability to be dashing and slashing for runs of 15, 20...and 80 yards.With the pure speed and execution that Martinez brings to the table, the Zone Read has become the staple of the Husker offense.To date, the upgrade at this position is so significant that Husker fans are dreaming of the impossible...a 2010 National Championship.GRADE: A (This could easily be made an A+, but the ability to throw the ball down field can be questioned, and nobody has seen what Taylor can do when the lights shine their brightest.)2009 GRADE: D- (Hard to find a less productive QB situation for the Huskers in the past 50 years than the 2009 Husker edition. One could also have easily ranked this position as 12th in the Big 12 just last year.)RB:With the addition of Martinez, Husker running backs have found running lanes to be much more available and have also shown explosiveness in their own right.While the number of carries for the duo of Helu and Burkhead are down, what they have done with these carries has been a complete night and day switch from last year.However, much like Martinez, this unit has yet to see anything of a solid defense with a solid front seven. That drill will come on Oct. 16 when the Longhorns come a calling. But up till now it is hard to give this unit anything lower than:GRADE: B+ (Could easily be an A if given more opportunities. A solid B+ is nothing to scoff at...)2009 GRADE: B+ (The Huskers simply relied on the power run game in the final 8 games of the season even with the oft-injured Helu and Burkhead. These guys played their hearts out for the Huskers in 2009. The only reason this isn't an A is the sheer lack of production when all is said and done.)WR:Niles Paul and Brandon Kinnie were expected to be the go-to guys entering the season. That hasn't changed after the first three games.The move of Mike McNeill to a slot receiver has shown some signs of brilliance, but hasn't really gelled as of yet. I fully expect McNeill to become more involved with this offense as the season progresses.The only two negatives you can really complain about this unit is the lack of Dallas Cowboys jersey
opportunities and the still frustrating amount of drops that this unit is struggling with...However, we have seen the explosiveness that Kinnie and Paul possess. The real question is who can complement Paul, Kinnie, and McNeill to really open up a passing game that could easily thrive alongside the Huskers rushing attack?GRADE: C+ (Pretty solid grade considering the shear lack of opportunities. I fully expect this unit to gel and get better as the season progresses, but we really haven't seen enough to give them more than a moderate C+ just yet.)2009 GRADE: D (The consistently inconsistent WR play plagued the Huskers in 2009 from this position as countless numbers of balls were dropped, and when plays were made, fumbles often-times followed great efforts out of this group.)OL:With Martinez being the biggest surprise on offense, the Offensive Line hasn't been that far behind. With defenses now giving 8 to even 9 guys in run support, the big uglies up front for the Huskers have more than held their ground thus far.The most impressive part from this group was the 2nd quarter drive against Washington with the score at a still competitive 21-14.Starting at mid-field, the Huskers simply lined up and ran Helu and Burkhead straight down the throat of the Huskies defense to send a message that this game wasn't going to get away from the Huskers. Eight plays later, ending in a 1 yard Martinez touchdown run, and the Huskers were back up by two scores 28-14, and the game was all but over.GRADE: B+ (The depth and somewhat overall injury-free Husker OL has been a solid surprise thus far. The emergence of Jeremiah Sirles at LT, and the continued improvement of Keith Williams and the Husker's C and Guard play has been impressive. This unit will keep getting better all season as long as they stay healthy.)2009 GRADE: D (The 2009 Husker OL was one of the worst the Huskers have seen for quite a while. However, it must be iterated that the Huskers OL from last year incurred countless numbers of injuries throughout the season which included all 5 starters at one time playing hurt or hindered. A tough grade, but results are truly all that really matter. They just weren't there in 2009).OVERALL OFFENSE:GRADE: A (A significant surprise to start the season. Returning an offense that was ranked 99th in the country last year, the Huskers have improved to be the 8th best in the country in overall offensive yardage, and 5th overall in scoring.While it will be tough to maintain those lofty numbers, the 'switch' has definitely been substantial and somewhat awe-inspiring for Husker faithful.One also can't dismiss the new-found explosiveness of this offense that has shown the ability to score a bevy of touchdowns that have traveled over 40 yards or more.)2009 GRADE: D (Doesn't get much worse Denver Broncos jersey
than last year's unit. Actually this is a pretty light grade that one could make a case for giving a solid F. However, one has to take into account the number of injuries and the costly turnovers this unit survived through last year.)DEFENSE:DL:Almost unfair to compare this group to 2009, as that unit one of the best in Nebraska football history.While this unit has yet to produce the huge numbers that last year's unit enjoyed, they have played much better than most fans would be inclined to recognize.Often times, the Huskers DL are simply playing 4 on 5 or 6 on any snap. Rarely using stunts, blitzes, and up-the-field pressure off of the edge, the Huskers front four has been sound in gap assignment, and containment for much of the season thus far.GRADE: C+ (Darn right, this is a tough grade, but keep in mind, I doubt we have even come sniffingly close to seeing the best that this unit can produce.)2009 GRADE: A+ (Easy grade when you consider this unit was one of the best in Husker history.)LB:The loss of Dillard has been significant thus far. We also can't discount the injuries of Sean Fisher and Will Compton prior to the season starting as well.While David, Martin, and Whaley have all shown promise, they have also found themselves out of position in a solid amount of snaps and also failing to call the proper checks on defense to get the Huskers in position to be effective.Look for this position to improve the most during the rest of the season as David and Martin become more and more comfortable with the Pelini schemes. David is an all-star in the making, and when the 'light turns on' for Martin...look out!GRADE: C (Tough? Sure. But this is Husker football, and excellence is to be expected.)2009 GRADE: A- (Likely the most unheralded unit on the Huskers 2009 squad as Dillard was playing at an All Big 12 level during Big 12 conference play.)SECONDARY:Absolutely spectacular. The 4-20 and 71 effort from Jake Locker speaks volumes about this defensive unit. One can easily argue that the Husker DB's are the absolute best in the country.Especially when you consider they have intercepted two of the better QB's in the country a total of 8 times including three of those INT's being taken back for touchdowns.As it stands right now, the Husker pass efficiency ranking is #4 in the entire country.GRADE: A+ (Can it get better? Frightening to say..but yes, it can. With Dennard, Amukamara, Gomes, and Hagg, one can easily argue the Huskers fearsome foursome as the best in the country. Throw in the improving PJ Smith and Rickey Thenarse, and this secondary will rank as one of the best at season's end.)2009 GRADE: A (A solid unit lost both Asante and O'Hanlon that played at an All-Big 12 level last year. A very unheralded unit from last year that didn't get near as much credit as it deserved.)OVERALL DEFENSE:GRADE: B (Solid thus far, especially in the secondary, there are some holes and tightening up that need to be done for this defense to match last year's 'greatness'. While it has been solid, it hasn't been truly 'great'. At least not great Detroit Lions
considering Pelini standards.)2009 GRADE: A (One could easily give last year's unit an A+, especially late in the season, there were enough breakdowns throughout the season to keep this unit from getting that incredibly lofty grade.)SUMMARY:The Huskers have been impressive thus far, but they have yet to really play anybody that would really be considered a good team.With a rather 'easy' schedule staring the Huskers square in the face, the mighty Huskers could be sitting on a dream season.However, as I stated, the schedule has been less than stellar thus far and Nebraska will face much tougher competition along the way in Kansas State, Texas, Oklahoma State, Missouri, and Texas AM to finish the season.While the early results look to be extremely exciting, 'greatness' feelings must be tempered a bit until these Huskers face some serious challenges that surely await them.While 2010 looks to be a breakthrough year for the Huskers; a team that will likely be favored in every contest, a wait and see approach must be taken. 'Could' it be...?Either way, it sure is exciting to talk about Husker football likely being amongst the nation's elite again, isn't it?


15 Jan 11 St. Louis Rams "Honeymoon is over for Haslett in St. Louis"

The honeymoon is over for head coach Jim Haslett and the St. Louis Rams. Haslett was the NFL's feel-good story earlier this season after he took over for the fired Scott Linehan, who amassed an 0-4 record, and quickly defeated the Redskins and Cowboys. More importantly, the team that had looked so listless under Linehan seemed to be playing with pride and more effort under Haslett;s intense personality.All of that disappeared in the Rams; 47-3 debacle against the New York Jets on Sunday. St. Louis was embarrassed, disgraced, outclassed and every Reebok New York Jets #6 Mark Sanchez Realtree camo Jersey
other adjective you can think of in a game in which it trailed 40-0 at halftime.Commentary: Haslett couldn't motivate the down-and-out Rams at halftime. St. Louis played as poorly in the second half against the Jets as it did in the first. Things got so bad for the Rams that starting quarterback Marc Bulger -- who completed 6 of 13 passes and tossed an interception -- was benched and replaced by Trent Green. He didn;t fare much better, completing five of his 10 throws with a pick.Playing without star running back Steven Jackson, the Rams couldn;t mount any ground attack. Kenneth Darby was the team;s leading rusher with 32 yards on four carries. Meanwhile, Thomas Jones was slicing and dicing through the nonexistent St. Louis defense for 149 yards and three touchdowns.Fan Pulse: Fans who were already growing impatient with Bulger seem ready to send him to the bench for the rest of the season. Fantasy Football Impact: If you haven;t already abandoned every Ram in your fantasy league except Jackson and Donnie Avery, then do so now. Bulger is finished as a fantasy option in St. Louis this season and Torry Holt continues to be MIA.Injury Report: Until Jackson returns, the Rams have little hope of winning a game. Jackson is still nursing his sore quadriceps and it still isn;t known whether he will return this week against San Francisco. Antonio Pittman, who was second in line behind Jackson in the backfield, wasn;t fully healed from his hamstring injury. Pittman played against the Jets, but he was at less than full strength. (2) Not manyReebok Oakland Raiders #21 Nnamdi Asomugha Realtree camo Jersey
people outside of Missouri know it, but St. Louis Rams quarterback Marc Bulger is changing his uniform number for Sunday;s game against the New York Jets. Bugler, who normally wears No. 10, is going with something that will more aptly describe what he is going to face this weekend ; a bull;s-eye. Bulger will have a big, red target on his jersey so defensive lineman Kris Jenkins and his fellow Jet teammates will know exactly where to head on every play.Commentary: Why is Bulger such a target against New York this week? Because it is looking more likely that All-Pro running back Steven Jackson will be sidelined with his quadriceps injury. Further complicating things for Bulger is the fact that backup Antonio Pittman, who filled in for Jackson two weeks ago with 83 yards, is also nursing an injured leg (hamstring). Wait, there;s more: Third-string running back Travis Minor is feeling the effects of a concussion and probably won;t be cleared to play for St. Louis.Now are you getting the picture of why Bulger is going to have a target on his back? Kenneth Darby and his whopping career total of 9 NFL yards may get the start for the Rams at the tailback position. The team signed Samkon Gado this week and he may also get a shot at running the ball.The fact is is that the Jets are going to dare Bulger to throw the football. And if St. Louis can;t run the ball, look for 350-pound nose tackle Jenkins to overwhelm undersized Rams center Nick Leckey, who weighs in at about 295 pounds.Fan Pulse: Most fans are not optimistic about the Rams' chances without Jackson and Pittman. It is rare for a team to lose its first three running back options, and it doesn;t help that St. Louis is playing a hot New York team that is strong against the run.Fantasy Impact: If, for some strange reason, Jackson isReebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
able to play against the Jets, put him on your fantasy bench at all costs. The Jets are fourth in the league in run defense and Jackson with a bum leg doesn;t make for good fantasy numbers. Don;t look for Bulger to light up the fantasy scoreboard, either. In fact, it might be a good week to put all of your Ram players on the bench.Injury Report: As mentioned above, Jackson is still questionable for the New York game. Wide receiver Drew Bennett is gone for the season, as is special teams player Dante Hall. (0)


14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers Thomas Davis Mark Fields Dan Morgan Georgia Bulldogs

2005 was Thomas Davis' inaugural season in the National Football League, and it's safe to say that the Carolina Panther didn't enjoy his first taste of the big time. Unfortunately, the former University of Georgia standout free safety failed to catch on with the Panthers, struggling mightily to pick up the position in the pros. Luckily for the 23-year-old, the Carolina coaching staff is giving him an opportunity as an outside linebacker, a position he played on a few occasions in college.In April '05, the Panthers put a great deal of faith in Davis, using their first-Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers #86 Hines Ward Realtree camo Jersey
round pick on the All-American, who helped lead the Bulldogs to prominence in his three-year stint with the program. In his final two seasons at Georgia, Davis racked up 219 tackles, 7 ? sacks and five forced fumbles in 25 games.Thanks to his proven on-field prowess, the Carolina Panthers invested the 14th overall selection on Davis, hoping he'd become the league's next star safety. However, he struggled mightily as a rookie, picking up just 38 tackles and 1 ? sacks in 16 games. Davis ended up starting the first two games of what proved to be a successful season for the Panthers, but was pulled because of poor performance. As a result, veteran Marlon McCree took the reins at the free safety position, and did quite well, intercepting three passes.After facing difficulties for most of the year, Davis found new life with the Panthers, as they began bouncing him back and forth between safety and linebacker. The youngster took to his position, which gave the coaching staff hope that he could someday have a legitimate career.This offseason, the Panthers waved Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
goodbye to stellar weak-side linebacker Will Witherspoon in free agency. Witherspoon had four productive seasons in Carolina, notching 354 total tackles, eight sacks and seven interceptions. The St. Louis Rams paid the up-and-comer $33 million over six seasons back in March, which was just too high of a price-tag for the Panthers.With Witherspoon out of the fold, head coach John Fox, defensive coordinator Mike Trgovac and linebackers coach Ken Flajole will turn to Davis. One factor already in Davis' favor is size. Both he and Witherspoon weigh in at 231 pounds, while Witherspoon holds a one inch height advantage. For those saying Davis is too small to play linebacker, think again.Davis, who previously wore No. 47, will be switching to 58 so it complies with his new position. As fans of the Carolina Panthers know, Davis' new number was held by team legend Mark Fields for three seasons. Unfortunately, Fields has been battling Hodgkins Disease since 2003, which caused him to miss last season. Essentially, it would take a miracle for the 33-year-old to lace up his cleats and play again. Fields is still highly respected by the organization, though, who asked him if Davis could wear his number. The classy Fields agreed.Entering the season, the Panthers are hoping a little of Fields' Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
past magic can rub off on their young outside 'backer. With Fields in his corner and proven middle linebacker Dan Morgan next to him, don't expect Davis to fold. His career's been forgettable up to now, but it can all be washed away in the blink of an eye when Davis lines up in the team's Sept. 10 opener against the division rival Atlanta Falcons. --Get more on Thomas Davis


Kirk Snyder could have been Kevin Martin

Delonte West, and even Tony Allen. Not a very productive draft. 2010 Grade: D- Boston Celtics (15) Drafted Al Jefferson. (24) Dallas traded the No. 24 pick (Delonte West), Raef LaFrentz, Jiri Welsch, and Chris Mills to Boston for Antoine Walker and Tony Delk. (25) Detroit traded the No. 25 pick (Tony Allen), Chucky Atkins, and Lindsey Hunter to Boston for Mike James. Boston sent Chris Mills to Atlanta. (40) Drafted Justin Reed Players received: Al Jefferson, Delonte West, Raef LaFrentz, Jiri Welsch, Tony Allen, Chucky Atkins, Lindsey Hunter, Justin Reed Players lost: Antoine Walker, Tony Delk, Mike James, Chris Mills 2007 Review: Boston traded a small forward who thinks he John Starks in Antoine Walker for a center who thinks he a small forward in Raef LaFrentz. That a wash. Mills was a has been Dallas Cowboys jersey
while Welsch was a never-was. That a wash. Atkins and Hunter versus Delk and James is a wash. However, with the picks they received, they did a nice job forming the nucleus of their future with Jefferson, West, and Allen. Jefferson has slowly but steadily developed into a post presence, and is the second best scoring big man in the entire 2005 draft. Considering Boston got him at 17, that a steal. Delonte West is best suited to being a backup, but is a decent guard, Tony Allen commits too many turnovers and is a poor shooter. Kevin Martin wouldve been a better pick, but Allen does have tremendous open floor skills and potential. If that potential gets tapped into, the Celtics grade goes from B+ to A. 2007 Grade: B+ 2010 Review: Boston broke up their team in 2004 and built a nice nucleus with the pieces they gave up. Antoine Walker turned into Delonte West, an underrated player who can shoot, slash, post, pass, defend, and play tough hard-nosed basketball. Mike James turned into Tony Allen, an above-average defender with average offensive skills. The Celtics own draft pick turned into Al Jefferson, a premier offensive post scorer who is improving as a jump shooter and a passer. The Celtics did a great job of drafting good young talent. 2010 Grade: A+ New Orleans Hornets (18) Drafted J.R. Smith. (44) Drafted Tim Pickett. 2007 Review: New Orleans was the first team seduced by Smith phenomenal talent. If Smith were ever given a brain to match his talent, teams would go out of their way to dish out a max contract to him. Instead we have a boy who breaks off plays in the crucial moments of playoff series so he can jack up threes. Instead we have a boy with no defense, no ball movement, and no conscious. Instead we have a boy who skips morning practices because hes not a morning person. Instead we have a boy who sits idly at the scorers table while his coach gives instructions to his team at their bench. Instead we have a boy who is too cool for any speed limit or seat belt and now has the blood of a friend on his hands. The pick gets an F, but J.R. Smith gets an F-. 2007 Grade: F 2010 Review: No player has come farther his last two seasons in the league than J.R. Smith. Two seasons ago, Smith was a disaster. A selfish miscreant of a player who didn take the game seriously and didn take his life seriously. Due to a tragic car accident that took the life of one of Smith friends, George Karl willingness to give second chances, and Smith own personal maturation, he changed his outlook on life and has improved exponentially as a player. Instead of being a gunner who broke off plays to jack up shots, Smith has refined his game considerably. His shot selection is still questionable, but improved; his passing abilities are considerable, and he shown glimpses of being a lock-down defender. All those traits are purification of the wondrous natural abilities Smith has. When his career is said and done, based on talent alone, he has a chance to be the second best player out of the 2004 draft. New Denver Broncos jersey
Orleans couldn reach through to him, but Smith needed that horrific car accident to allow himself to open up to others. Now he one of the most explosive players in the league, and a terrific choice at the No. 18th pick. 2010 Grade: A- Miami Heat (19) Drafted Dorell Wright. (38) Toronto traded the draft rights to Albert Mirales to Miami for the draft rights to Pape Sow and the No. 58 pick in 2005 (Uros Slokar). (53) Drafted Matt Freije. Players received: Dorell Wright, Albert Mirales, Matt Freije Players lost: Pape Sow, Uros Slokar 2007 Review: Dorell Wright and a bunch of stiffs. For sure, Wright has talent, but coming out of high school he wasn prepared to play in the NBA his first several seasons. Given that the Heat were busy winning a championship, developing Wright was never a top priority. Last year was his first chance to see extended minutes and he proved to still be too raw for extended action. With the Heat looking to retool their supporting cast and get younger, Wright could be called upon to produce as soon as next year. Given the dearth of small forwards selected after Wright (Trevor Ariza not withstanding), even if Dorell never develops, it hard to criticize the Heat for not selecting somebody else. Trevor Ariza is a run-and gun player while the Heat are a half court team, so you can even assume hed be a better fit in Miami. 2007 Grade: C- 2010 Review: Dorell Wright has been a seldom-used bench player who has never evolved into more than a bit rotation player. The Heat didn need a shooting guard with Dwyane Wade in tow, so passing on Kevin Martin is understandable, nor did they need a defensive-minded frontcourt player with Udonis Haslem in tow, so Anderson Varejao wouldve been a bad pick. Because of this, the Wright selection doesn quite look like an awful pick. Even Trevor Ariza open court skills wouldn translate as well to the grind-it-out Heat. It wasn an awful pick, just not a very good one. 2010 Grade: C- Denver Nuggets (20) Drafted Jameer Nelson. Traded the draft rights to Nelson to Orlando for their No. 21 pick in 2005 (Julius Hodge). Players received: Julius Hodge Players lost: Jameer Nelson 2007 Review: The Nuggets biggest need in the Carmelo era has been a quality shooting guard who can hit a jump shot. The Nuggets have been stuck with the ancient Voshon Lenard, the inept Demarr Johnson, and the brainless J.R. Smith. Jameer Nelson would have been a nice addition playing along side Andre Miller and Carmelo. Even when Allen Iverson arrived this year, Detroit Lions
Nelson could have started at point guard. His warts as a decision maker would have been hidden in the Nuggets system because Allen Iverson has the ball in his hands so much anyway. Instead, the Nuggets picked up Julius Hodge a year later. Whether it be a result of injuries or bad luck, Hodge has seen more time in the developmental league than on the hardwood. The Nuggets got the worse player in the deal and missed out on someone who couldve helped their team. 2007 Grade: F 2010 Review: Jameer Nelson has turned into a steady hand, capable of making smart decisions on the fly, hitting clutch jump shots, and making up for average athleticism with smarts, toughness, and moxie. In other words, he was Chauncey Billups before Chauncey Billups. In Nelson stead, the Nuggets drafted Julius Hidge who never turned into an NBA player. The Nuggets traded an All-Star for a scrub. That decision earns them an F. 2010 Grade: F New Jersey Nets (22) Drafted Viktor Khryapa. Then traded the draft rights to Khryapa to Portland for Eddie Gill and cash. (51) Drafted Christian Drejer. Players received: Eddie Gill, Christian Drejer Players lost: Viktor Khryapa 2007 Review: As a Florida Gators fan, I hold a hatred in my heart for Christian Drejer decision to quit on the Gators midway through the 2003-04 season to play professional ball in Europe. It no surprise that such a coward never played a single minute in the NBA. Rue Drejer for scorning the Gators and rue the Nets for drafting him! 2007 Grade: D 2010 Review: Christian Drejer never turned into an NBA-caliber player, while the Nets could have come away with more with the 22nd selection than Eddie Gill and cash. Anderson Varejao? Trevor Ariza? Kevin Martin? Even Sasha Vujacic wouldve been a more productive pick. 2010 Grade: F Sacramento Kings (26) Drafted Kevin Martin. (48) Traded the No. 55 pick (ended up with Houston as Luis Flores), Keon Clark, and a future pick to Utah for their No. 48 pick (Ricky Minard). Players received: Kevin Martin, Ricky Minard Players lost: Keon Clark 2007 Review: Sacramento got one of the steals of the draft considering how low they were picking, and they took a risk in picking somebody from Western Carolina. Instead of getting a nobody, they got a player who shows potential to put up 20 points a game for a long time. Martin still has to bulk up his frame, be more consistent, and play better against better defensesmy guess is that achieving the first will help him achieve the next two. But Martin is the best player from the middle of the draft down. Great pick. 2007 Grade: A 2010 Review: Kevin Martin is one of the most overrated players in the game todaya soft, defenseless jump shooter who can only play on the perimeter. That being said, he still a talented shooter who can create his own points. At the 26th position in the draft, it hard to do much better, especially in terms of pure scoring. A terrific pick. 2010 Grade: A Los Angeles Lakers (27) Drafted Sasha Vujacic. (56) Drafted Marcus Douthit. 2007 Review: Sasha Vujacic can hit standstill threes with good accuracy, and isn a bad third string point guard. Chris Duhon would have been a better pick, as he could help take pressure off of Kobe much more than Vujacic can. 2007 Grade: C- Green Bay Packers jersey
2010 Review: Trevor Ariza wouldve been a better pick than Sasha Vujacic, as Vujacic has been an embarrassment the past handful of seasons. He a respectable standstill shooter but he takes too many bad shots and plays overaggressive, but ineffective, defense. The only caveat is that he also a shooting guard, and the only backup shooting guard on the Lakers roster the past handful of seasons. No other shooting guard taken after Vujacic contributed much in the NBA. 2010 Grade: D+ San Antonio Spurs (28) Drafted Beno Udrih. (52) Drafted Romain Sato. (57) Drafted Sergei Karaulov. 2007 Review: Chris Duhon penchant for partying too hard and missing team functions wouldn fly in San Antonio. Beno Udrih is steady as can be and helped the Spurs win a championship later the next season. Even with a late pick and an awful crop of players to choose from, the Spurs select a player that helps their team. That why they're the best run organization in the league. 2007 Grade: B 2010 Review: Beno Udrih steady play helped the Spurs win a championship, so that tilts the pick heavily in San Antonio favor. Only Anderson Varejao, Chris Duhon, and Trevor Ariza were selected after Udrih and still have prominent roles in the NBA. Varejao wouldve fit in perfectly, but Duhon partied too hard during the early portion of his career, and Ariza more of an open-court gambler than the disciplined defender Spurs coach Gregg Popovich wants his players to be. Varejao may have been the better choice, but Udrih acquainted himself well as a mediocre starter/solid backup in his career. 2010 Grade: B Indiana Pacers (29) Drafted David Harrison. (59) Drafted Rashad Wright. 2007 Review: David Harrison is a stiff. Anderson Varejao would have been the right pick. Rashad Wright was the last pick of the draft so you don expect anything out of him. Still, the Pacers haven gotten much out of their first round pick. 2007 Grade: D 2010 Review: The Pacers got nothing out of their two draft picks whatsoever. The very next player chosen after Harrison was Anderson Varejao. Oops. 2010 Grade: F New York Knicks (16) New York traded their No. 16 pick (ended up in Utah as Kirk Snyder), Antonio McDyess, Howard Eisley, Charlie Ward, Maceij Lampe, Milos Vujanic, and a future pick to Phoenix for Stephon Marbury, Penny Hardaway and Cezary Trybanski. (43) Drafted Trevor Ariza. Players received: Stephon Marbury, Penny Hardaway, Cezary Trybanski, Trevor Ariza Players lost: Antonio McDyess, Howard Eisley, Charlie Ward, Maceij Lampe, Milos Vujanic 2007 Review: As much as you criticize the Marbury trade, look at the players traded to get him. With the exception of Antonio McDyess, all those names disappeared when they left New York. Also, with the Knicks pathetic cap situation and abysmal talent base, there is no reason to believe superstars such as Gilbert Arenas and Steve Nash would have wanted to come to New York, and there is no reason to believe the Knicks would have had the cap Houston Texans jersey
room to sign them as free agents, or the resources to acquire them in any sign and trades. Trevor Ariza can run all over the court, defend, score in transition, finish above the rim, and provide energy off the bench. Ariza feuded with then-coach Larry Brown about Ariza desire to have more plays run for him on offense and about David Lee taking his minutes. With Ariza becoming a nuisance, the Knicks decision to trade him was justified.

12 Jan 11 Who Should Sponsor the “Blowing Up” of the Phoenix Suns?

Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesEverything weve heard about the Phoenix Suns has been heavy and full of doom and gloom. The Suns can hold a lead, losers of seven out of ten, Amare trade rumors, they struggle on TNT, it time to fireSteve Kerr (constantly from @ZoDogg34 on Twitter), and it time to start over and make some moves. Negativity has run rampant over the last week.While the dark-side of the Suns is great for discussion, it bad for the overall mental well-being of the inhabitants of Planet Orange.With that in mind, it time to significantly lighten the mood. If Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
it inevitable that the Suns will blow it up and start all over, why not have some fun with it? Here how to do it.According to theUSA Today PopCandy blog a fantastic source for randompop culture newsKraft Mac Cheese will be the title sponsor for the implosion of Texas Stadium this Spring.The story intrigued me, and I figured, if the former home of the Dallas Cowboys can find a sponsor for its demolition, why can the Suns find a sponsor for the blowing up of the team?We all know that ownership is looking for creative ways to avoid the NBA luxury tax, but why not a creative way to afford to pay for it?Like always, the Sports Retorter is here to help. I don just come up with an idea and leave the team hanging, Ive done the leg work and extensive research to come up with the perfect sponsors for the demolition of the Suns roster.Rock Bottom Bar and GrillEveryone is saying the Suns have hit Rock Bottom, so why not get some money out of them for the publicity? There are even marketing tie-ins that the team and the restaurant can do. Why not offer fans a dollar off for every point the Suns lose by (might get expensive if things get really ugly)? That way fans are still vested in the team when the inevitable losses associated with rebuilding occur.Shaquille ONeal Most Suns fans mark the acquisition Reebok Indianapolis Colts 18 Peyton Manning Realtree camo Jersey
ofShaq as the beginning of the end for the team. Why not let him sponsor the official end?It works because he owes the franchise some money back for his anticlimactic two seasons in purple and orange, and Shaq is used to helping dismantle franchises.San Antonio SpursTheyve pretty much ended the Suns championship hopes at every turn the last decade, so why not have them pay to put the Suns out of their misery for good? The demolition of thePhoenix Suns , brought to you by the San Antonio Spurs. It just sounds right. Plus, it seems fitting that Robert Horry could hurt the Suns immediate championship chances and get them to throw in the towel.Payment must be in cash. We will not accept Manu Ginobili or Richard Jefferson as payment.The Discovery Channel The network is known for blowing things up, so why not have them help out in Phoenix? The Suns fit their brand because, like the Mythbusters, they tested the myth that an offensive minded, fast paced team can win an NBA championship and emphatically confirmed it. Also, they can have Mike Rowe, host ofDirty Jobs , follow Steve Kerr andRobert Sarver as they try to rebuild the team while keeping the fans engaged.If the process goes to plan and the Suns dealAmare Stoudemire and others, the franchise could be Destroyed in Secondswhich also happens to air on the Discovery Channel.It all about synergy.Verve Energy DrinkNo real reason here. They just seem to sponsor everything in the arena, so why not this?The US GovernmentThey bailed everyone else out, so why not help Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
the Suns while they restructure? No matter how bad things get for the team, theyll never be bigger embarrassments than AIG and the auto industry.Robert SarverWho are we kidding, he been paying for it all along as the main sponsor, so why not just make it official? If Amare Stoudemire is traded for expiring contracts, his name will be all over it anyway.

12 Jan 11 Amare Stoudemire: Phoenix Suns Setting Themselves Up for an Ugly Trade

Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesOriginally posted on Fanster.com If you've listened to the Show to be Named Later at all this week, you know Vince Marotta's less than pleased with how the Phoenix Suns are showcasing Amare Stoudemire while attempting to trade him.To sum up, Stoudemire's been in the situation you would Reebok Arizona Cardinals Larry Fitzgerald Realtree camo Jersey
least expect to see an All-Star on the trading blockon the bench in crunch time or uninvolved on the court. In Tuesday's overtime loss to Charlotte, Phoenix shuffled Stoudemire in and out faster than a hockey lineup change. The reason: Stoudemire's benefit on the offensive end of the ball versus his detrimental effect on the defensive end. (On a slight tangent, if Stoudemire thinks he's still worth max money when the rest of the league knows he can't be trusted defensively in crunch time, he's a seriously misguided man.) Even when Stoudemire was on the floor, Phoenix rarely went to him for points when they needed them, and let's face it: Lately, the Suns have needed points. Their shooting has dropped dramatically in January, and Stoudemire's 56 percent shooting clip should be more appealing to a team in this kind of stretch. Instead, no isolation for Stoudemire, no slew of pick-and-rolls with Steve Nash, and no win. Two nights later, Stoudemire scored 22 points in three quarters. He didn't play a single minute in the fourth, and not because the Suns or Mavs had already put the game away. It was because Gentry felt a crew of Lou Amundson, Channing Frye, and Earl Clark was performing too well to be taken off the floor. Any other night, I'd have believe him. And yes, the crew on the floor was surprisingly and pleasantly productive. To be redundant, Stoudemire had punched in 22 points in only three quarters. Gentry had to have known this. These kinds of decisions (see: Gentry's obsession with bad zone defense) make Suns fans wonder what Phoenix's braintrust is thinking. Yes, the Suns won (on TNT, finally). It's impossible to say for sure if they would have won with Stoudemire playing in the fourth quarter. It's not impossible to say that his trade value would have gone up with Reebok Baltimore Ravens #5 Joe Flacco Realtree camo Jersey
a 30 to 40-point night. Of course, demonstrations like those mentioned above will have their repercussions. Other teams are watching closely, at least the near-dozen teams mentioned to be interested in acquiring Stoudemire. Don't think that this diminishing display of Stoudemire's talent won't result in an equally diminished return in any deal involving him. It's easy to picture Kerr working the phones, trying to get as close to "fair value" as he can. Teams will low-ball him with bad offers. Kerr will respond, "Look, this is an All-Star, a franchise player." Team X, on the other line, will say, "Funny, it sure hasn't looked that way." When that happens and Phoenix (assuming they can get something feasible done before the trading deadline) gets a decent player, peanuts, and a worthless pick, Suns fans will take up their torches and pitchforks and march down Jefferson Street. Bob Sarver and Steve Kerr will try to explain away their own (and Gentry's) idiocy. I say their idiocy because if they showcased Stoudemire a little more, the Suns wouldn't end up like the Memphis Grizzlies in the Pau Gasol trade. Suns fans are scared of another Shaq trade (i.e. legit player for cap room). They don't want Stoudemire shipped out for Zydrunas Ilgauskus' expiring contract (and Ilgauskus himself would just be waived to spend more money), J.J. Hickson, and two bad draft picks (high 20s pick, guaranteed). They don't want to contemplate swapping STAT for Jermaine O'Neal's albatross of a contract that expires this season. What good is free agent money if no player close to Stoudemire's talent level will want it in Phoenix? LeBron James? Chris Bosh? Dwyane Wade? Joe Johnson? Between their own teams and the respective calls of Miami, New York, and New Jersey, all of them will be gone before even considering theReebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
Valley of the Sun. It's obvious the Suns are resigned to trading Stoudemire. If that's the case, then make the best of it. Show him off. Make him believe he's a franchise player, if only to help yourselves. If you don't show his worth, then expect equally worthless value in return.


10 Jan 11 Pivot Points: Despite Win Versus Lakers, Celtics Are A Flawed Product

Jim Rogash/Getty ImagesEven a one point win against a Los Angeles Laker team missing Kobe Bryant couldn't hide the fact the Boston Celtics are teetering on the precipice of their season, and in danger of falling over the side.Take away a brilliant performance by Ray Allen, in which he resembled the decorated player of his recent past, and the Celtics lose yet another game against an opponent who is considered a contender.Boston's record now stands at 3-8 versus the Lakers, the Atlanta Hawks, the Orlando Magic, and the Cleveland Cavaliers, all considered contenders for the Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
NBA throne, and all currently better than Boston right now.In the Eastern Conference, the Celtics have fell to the fourth seed and are being pressed by a surging Toronto Raptors team in their division, and have lost crucial season series to the Magic and Hawks.To their credit, the Celtics don't seemed as concerned and speak with all the bravado and confidence of their 2008 championship year, but they are in a state of denial because this is not that team.That team excelled on the defensive end and were a terror on the boards, while relying on the dead-eye accuracy of Allen from the perimeter and the penetration of Paul Pierce in the paint.Kevin Garnett, un-hampered by knee injuries, was an explosive presence in the post who instilled energy and passion and Rajon Rondo was a young guard just beginning to understand the depth of Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers 43 Troy Polamalu Realtree camo Jersey
his talents.In a span of two seasons Garnett has been robbed of his former explosiveness due to various injuries and Allen and Pierce have seemed to age before our very eyes as the bedrock of the Celtics' foundation has began to crumble.Boston is now only capable of playing championship defense in small spurts, Allen lacks the quickness which allowed him to run off screens, and opponents have become aware of Pierce's predictable tendencies.The aura of the Celtics as a great rebounding team now rests on the knees of tired legs, or it is represented by the players who serve as capable back-ups to the starters, no longer able to shoulder the burden alone.The one constant through it all has been Rondo, who has grown from a promising young player, to one of the better point guards in the NBA and the sole player capable of backing up the Celtic bravado with his play.Rondo's value was on display against the Lakers as each time he went to the bench Los Angeles made a run, and upon his return the Celtics settled down and tightened up their play.In one fell swoop, Rondo has un-ceremoniously supplanted Garnett as Boston's best player and is the one Celtic whose absence would kill any slim chance Boston has of winning a championship.And even though Rondo is talented, his leadership and ability to stabilize the Celtics on theReebok Green Bay Packers 21 Charles Woodson Realtree camo Jersey
floor will only carry Boston so far and certainly not to the threshold of former greatness.It seems the onus will again fall at the weary feet of the big three, but do Garnett, Allen, and Pierce have enough gas in the tank for one final run at history?


9 Jan 11 Zach Randolph's Absence an Improvement for Knicks?

Stephen Dunn/Getty Images“If they get LeBron James (it was worth it),” Randolph says. “If they don’t get him, I wonder. I don’t know.”—Zach RandolphThe Knicks traded Randolph in November 2008 to the Clippers for Tim Thomas and Cuttino Mobley. The Knicks were not looking for any premium players back, just for another team to take his long and expensive contract. Donnie Walsh has worked very hard to get the Knicks under the cap but he could have waited and dealt Zebo or even Jamal Crawford this year for moreSan Diego Chargers jersey
talent or draft picks.Randolph is blossoming for his new team (Memphis Grizzlies), averaging 20.6 points, 11.9 rebounds (second highest of his career) and is shooting 49.5 percent from the field (also the second highest of his career). His shooting percentage has gone up because his three-point attempts have gone down. He has attempted only 30 threes this season (59 games) compared to the 104 in 80 career games with the Knicks.More importantly, he leads the NBA in offensive rebounds per game (4.4) and the 28 year old was named to his first All-Star game this season. San Francisco 49ers jersey
His team is 30-29 and 3.5 games from the eighth seed.Zebo lit up the Knicks over the weekend scoring 31 points with 25 rebounds (10 offensive). He has become a less selfish player, and one can even say has been a good influence on center Marc Gasol.And while he has had troubles in the past and his reputation has been challenged, this season has been a rebirth. The Knicks will really miss his size and toughness in the paint.


8 Jan 11 Steve Nash: The steal of the 1996 Draft, Pick #15

Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesWhen Steve Nash was selected as the fifteenth pick in a star-studded draft that included AI, Kobe and Ray Allen among others, he was booed by Suns fans simply because he was from an unknown college team. Today, I don't think there's a single Suns fan out there that isn't thankful that:(a)they drafted him, but more importantly(b)they signed him from the Mavs years later and(c)they resigned him to another 2 yearsIt's difficult to appreciate the genius of Nash especially if you're not a Suns fan. His career stats are far from jaw-dropping and at the end of the day, there are no monster dunks or blocks and his defense has often been termed as non-existent.The problem is that Nash made fans out of basketball followers in generalas well asthe cynics who deemed the NBA too San Francisco 49ers jersey
boring and preferred college hoops instead.In truth, the Phoenix run-and-gun/7-seconds-or-less system under D'Antoni workedbecauseof Nash and not the other way round. It was basketball played like never before and it was basketball played with winning in mind.And it reminded us that every once in a while, professional sport goes through a phase that revolutionizes the sport itself and essentially ends up proving that thereisan exciting/entertaining way to play the game and still end up winning. Gilchrist did it as a keeper, first the Rams did it in '99 then the Patriots in '07 in the NFL. The Dutch did it in the 70's on the football field and the Brazilians have been doing it forever. Federer and Woods have been doing it for years.Put simply, it's when you make winning look good.Nash isn't even the best player in the league. In fact, there's no doubt that the best overall player in the NBA today is Lebron James.He is, without a doubt, both the present and the future. Ray Allen might have the best shot and Kobe might be the most talented offensive player ever but Lebron can do anything and everything which includes winning. Chris Paul isprobablya more preferred point-guard than Nash.However, if the NBA were to have an artist, the one who could paint and bring things to life and make it seem as if the simplest could be the most beautiful, it has to be Steve Nash. He made Nowitzki and Juwan Howard look good (which wasn't that hard). But he also turned Marion into an All-Star and made Stoudemire temporarily look like an unstoppable offensive force. Barbosa, Bell and Diaw all looked better with Nash spreading the offense and distributing the ball.And then, everything seemed to have been broken, the dream snuffed away and the prospect of a ring further away than it had ever been.In Seattle Seahawks jersey
hindsight, the acquisition of Shaquille O'Neal was the biggest mistake that a high octane team like the Suns could ever have made. Frustrated by not being able to reach the finals, the move stank of desperation and the introduction of Terry Porter turned an exciting team that won far more than they lost, into an ordinary team that won just a bit more than they lost. And it seemed that there was no hope.That Stoudemire would never be the same.That the explosiveness and energy of Marion couldn't be substituted.That most importantly, Nash was 35 andcertainlyover the hill, the back-to-back MVP's long since forgotten and critically even unfairly referred to as anomalies.Think again.(1) Stoudemire back. Certainly not to his S-T-A-T best but BACK.(2) The talented and injury prone-turned-injury free Grant Hill playing like a true veteran.(3) J-Rich posting career bests in shooting accuracy.(4) CHANNING FRYE and JARED DUDLEY!! nailing threes like it's nobody's business when last year the former was rotting away in Portland.(5) Steve Nash averaging over 11 assists a game and shooting above 50-40-90 yet again for the umpteenth time in his career.This isn't to say that the Suns are the best team in the league. They're far from it. But they'll make the playoffs and they'll make the playoffs in style in the packed St. Louis Rams jersey
Western Conference.And yes, once again, they're far and away the most exciting team in the league.And it's the same man running the show.The same guy who was never given a chance in the NBA.The same guy who publicly spoke out against the Iraq war inviting the wrath of other 'patriotic' American professionals.The same guy who suffers from spondylolisthesis which causes muscle tightness and acute back pain.And yes, the same guy who was once called "The Poor Man's Stockton", just played his 1000th NBA game.